Power Poll: 83 percent support new stadium
The latest Power Poll by the Compass, a media organization that focuses on government and local news, revealed that an overwhelming majority of respondents favor moving forward with the new multi-use stadium and believe it will spur development in East Knoxville.
Despite the delay in the financing details created by rising costs for construction due to supply chain disruptions and inflation, “only 3 percent of respondents said they had shifted from supporting the project to opposing it in light of the cost increases. A whopping 83 percent were still in favor of the stadium even with the financing challenges,” according to the Compass’ report on Aug. 19.
The full story by Scott Barker, a longtime government and politics reporter in Knoxville, with the nitty gritty can be read HERE. The free article also includes the wording of the five questions about support, Randy Boyd’s loan, an expanded tax increment financing (TIF) district, development and attendance. (This blog also updated the financing structure HERE.)
The highlights include:
Aforementioned 83 percent support despite rising costs.
65 percent in favor of the Boyd’s loan to close the funding gap.
Another 69 percent in favor of the expanded TIF to allow repayment to Boyd once the City of Knoxville takes its cut to pay for infrastructure improvements.
89 percent believe stadium will spur development in warehouse district.
55 percent very likely to attend Minor League Baseball games; another 25 percent somewhat likely.
The Power Poll conducted by the Compass “is not a scientific poll but a survey of views and attitudes among community leaders from government, business and nonprofit arenas. This month’s survey went out to 592 members, and 194 responded — a response rate of 32.77 percent.”
The results, however, are especially encouraging since the funding proposal for the stadium will be taken up in three political arenas next week. Knox County Commission, which signaled support in a workshop session this week, meets Monday, Aug. 22, at 5 p.m. The Knoxville Knox County Sports Authority meets Tuesday, Aug. 23, at 9 a.m., and City Council convenes at 6 p.m. on Tuesday.
Batter up. Let’s get it done.